Alternative Giving


If you are considering a bequest to ReVive, we recommend you consult with your attorney and financial planner. The following language may be helpful for including ReVive in your trust or will.

  • Option A: I give the sum of $_____ to ReVive Center for Housing and Healing, an Illinois not-for-profit corporation located at 1668 W. Ogden Ave., Chicago, IL 60612, or its lawful successor if such lawful successor is in existence at my death.

  • Option B: I give _____ percent of the reside of my estate to ReVive Center for Housing and Healing, an Illinois not-for-profit corporation located at 1668 W. Ogden Ave., Chicago, IL 60612, or its successor if such successor is in existence at my death.


ReVive seeks in-kind services from working professionals who can assist both our administrative and program teams. In addition, there are many times when we need specific goods to outfit client apartments. Contact us for more information.

Matching Gifts & Workplace Giving

Many companies offer workplace giving programs and/or will match employee’s gifts to charitable organizations.  Contact your HR department to see if your employer offers workplace giving and/or will match your donations to ReVive.  Some employers offer matching programs that allow donors to double, even triple, their gift to ReVive.

Amazon Smile

AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to your favorite charitable organization. Simply type in ReVive Center for Housing and Healing and select us as your charity of choice.

Gifts from Financial Accounts

Generally speaking, it’s possible to pass bank account proceeds to an individual or organization without making or changing a will.  Many states allow so-called P.O.D. (pay on death) accounts that let you name a beneficiary of almost any financial account: savings, checking, CD, building and loan accounts, credit union savings, etc. You can indicate that your deposit will be “payable on death” to any charitable, educational, or religious organizations and keep the right to change or revoke the arrangement at any time.

Gifts of Retirement Death Benefits

Charitable organizations generally can be named as death beneficiaries of retirement savings plans.  So friends who participate in pension plans, Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), 401(k) plans, Keogh plans and other qualified retirement savings plans have an opportunity to make important gifts through a simple beneficiary designation. ReVive can also be named as a death beneficiary. You can name ReVive as a beneficiary by requesting a form from the custodian. As in all cases, seek the advice of a professional advisor.

Life Insurance Beneficiary

Life insurance, in addition to providing family protection and peace of mind, offers a multitude of other benefits, including significant help for ReVive’s programs.  You can keep lifetime ownership rights in a policy but name ReVive the death beneficiary. Your estate may be entitled to a charitable deduction for the proceeds passing to ReVive. If you prefer, you can name ReVive as contingent beneficiary of a life insurance policy.  ReVive would receive the proceeds only if your primary beneficiary died before you. Or you can make ReVive the co-beneficiary and share insurance proceeds with another.


 Contact the Director of Development at 312-924-2559 for the necessary information to transfer a gift of securities.

In all cases, seek the advice of a professional advisor.